29th October 2014
ICSA president Patrick Kent has said that the 30-month requirement and realistic weight limits for bulls must be on the table for the two weeks of intensive negotiations on specs which are to follow Wednesday’s beef roundtable meeting. “There is no justification for continuing with these restrictions, particularly given that is it is clear that they are not necessary for the marketing of Irish beef,” he said.
“ICSA is adamant that farmers must get a much improved price in order to be viable, and movement on these specs would go some way towards increasing returns,” continued Mr. Kent.
“ICSA’s call for the inclusion of retailers in the roundtable talks was heeded by the Minister, with both Tesco and McDonald’s present. Tesco outlined their specification requirements, and it appears to us that 30-month restriction might not be set in stone.”
“Beef farmers have been frustrated for long enough by the artificial impediments put in their way by processors, and until the following key issues are dealt with, real progress is impossible:
• An end to the 30-month age limit
• Realistic weight limits for bulls
• Relaxation of the four movements/residency requirements
• Quality Assurance bonus to be paid on all cattle from Quality Assured farms
These issues must be on the table for the new negotiations if farmers are to take them seriously,” Mr. Kent concluded.