12 FEBRUARY 2021
ICSA sheep chairman Sean McNamara has urged all sheep farmers to ensure they submit their annual sheep census in advance of Monday’s final deadline. “The online option for competing the census will remain open until 11.59pm on Monday 15 February. However, I would encourage all farmers to get on to this task as soon as possible to guard against any potential last-minute glitches.”
Mr McNamara reminded farmers that completing this census is a requirement under the Sheep Welfare Scheme. “Any sheep farmer who fails to return their census on time risks losing their payments under the scheme. This is something that we need to avoid at all cost, particularly given the fact that sheep farmers have yet to be included in any Brexit or Covid related compensation packages, something which ICSA has been lobbying hard to rectify.”
“No sheep farmer can afford to lose out on this important payment. Complete your census now by logging on to the agfood.ie portal.”