3 AUGUST 2018
ICSA tillage chairman Gavin Carberry has welcomed the announcement this afternoon from Minister Michael Creed that an incentive scheme has been put in place to assist tillage farmers with the production of additional fodder. “ICSA has been adamant over recent weeks that support measures for tillage farmers were urgently needed. It is encouraging that the Minister has listened to these calls, and is now putting some of those measures in place.”
Under the initiative tillage farmers will receive €155/ha for additional ground sown to short term grasses and €100/ha for catch crops such as fodder rape, turnips etc., in excess of what was already committed to under GLAS. This will be payable on areas from 3-50 ha. In addition, it will be permissible to sow Italian Ryegrass. While there will be no grant aid specifically for Italian Ryegrass, farmers will be able to use it to bolster their own fodder supplies as well as selling it on as silage. It is vital that the incentive is in place immediately with no red tape so that farmers can get the crops sown without delay.”
“It is right that the Minister is encouraging maximum production of home grown fodder. Tillage farmers can be part of the solution and it serves as a reminder that we should not put all our eggs in one basket when it comes to the agri-food strategy. In the longer term, we need to seriously examine how to reverse the decline in cereal growing in Ireland because we need more home grown feed not less.”