17 DECEMBER 2018
ICSA rural development chairman Seamus Sherlock has called on financial institutions and vulture funds to cease the draconian act of forced eviction. “The unfortunate scenes at a Roscommon farmyard over recent days were reminiscent of something from the turn of the century. Nobody wants to see families being dragged and beaten out of their homes by security personnel.”
Continuing Mr Sherlock said, “There has to be a better way. ICSA’s mantra has always been mediation not confrontation. Banks and vulture funds must sit down with families and explore every avenue to restructure the debt so that all parties can move forward with consensus and certainty. Dragging people out of their homes will not solve the problem only inflame an already highly charged situation.”
“ICSA is at the forefront of dealing with people in debt and have seen a sharp rise in the number of people seeking help with their efforts to restructure their debt issues with their lenders. Now however, our worst fear of a situation like in Roscommon has come true. Violence at farm gates is not the answer; meditation is the only show in town and ICSA are here to assist farm families who are making a genuine effort to honour their commitments,” concluded Mr Sherlock.