17 AUGUST 2020
ICSA suckler chair Ger O’Brien has described the travel restriction included in Bord Bia’s application for Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) for Irish Grass Fed Beef as anti-competitive. “The imposition of a two-hour limit on travel time to slaughter will leave many farmers without any choice as to where to sell their cattle. This is a real blow to their ability to shop around for the best return and factories will no doubt be able to exploit this,” he said.
“The pursuit of a PGI for the whole country should mean that you can bring your cattle to any factory within that country. Our livestock haulage systems are well regulated and there is no evidence that a three-hour journey is more detrimental than a two-hour journey. The only losers will be the farmers who are restricted from getting the best price possible.”
“ICSA is also opposed to the exclusion of young bulls. We believe it makes absolutely no sense to bring in a scheme that would militate against quality continental suckler bull beef.”
“ICSA has consistently argued that we should have looked for a PGI designation for suckler only beef and the inclusion of most dairy stock will undermine any chance of a premium price for suckler farmers.”