17th June 2014
Following confirmation that four beef processing companies will be in attendance at the Teagasc Beef Open Day in Grange on Wednesday, ICSA Beef Chairman Edmond Phelan has urged farmers attending the event to make their concerns known.
ABP, Dawn Meats, Kepak and Slaney Foods will be exhibiting within the Meat Market Information Village at Grange on Wednesday, and according to Mr. Phelan, this is the perfect opportunity for farmers to air their views.
“The beef industry is in crisis,” said Mr. Phelan. “Despite a rise in demand, prices being paid to farmers continue to fall. Processors seem to be able to change specifications at the drop of a hat. Wednesday’s event is an opportunity for beef and suckler farmers to make their concerns known as they can meet the processing companies face-to-face and outline the true nature of the current threat to the Irish beef sector.”