General Comments
It is clear that there is a gulf in viewpoint when it comes to the objective of TB eradication between
the Department (DAFM) and farm representatives.
The draft TB strategy documents further underlines that. However, ICSA believes that the TB Forum
is an important mechanism to achieving an agreed programme and it is in that context that we are
submitting the following comments in relation to the draft TB strategy.
Ultimately, ICSA believes that a comprehensive agreement that fairly accommodates both the
Department proposals and the critical need to ensure fair play for all farmers is the only way forward.
A sound strategy must be based on fair play for all farmers and a recognition that full and accurate
compensation is the essential foundation of success. Academic research is important, but we are
talking about the livelihoods of our members here and the TB Forum must proceed on the basis that
a minority of farmers are expected to carry unfair costs.
ICSA president Sean McNamara has welcomed the progress in discussions on government formation and...