An association of farmers FOR farmers
GE 2016
No 1:
Provide a regulatory environment and a public support regime that’s fair to all farmers.
No 2:
A clear focus on producing only what there are viable markets for.
No 3:
Do everything possible to get a fair share of profits for farmers.
No 4:
Put live exports top of the agenda.
No 1:
Provide a regulatory environment and a public support regime that’s fair to all farmers.
- Against unfair LPIS overclaim penalties on disadvantaged farmers with marginal land
- Fair and reduced inspections and a charter for Bord Bia audits
- Better RD programme which delivers money to farmers not professionals; seeking reversal of cuts to disadvantaged areas (ANC)
- Fair deal for hen harrier and other designated farmers – every designated hectare must be compensated
- Justice for old young farmers who have missed out on access to national reserve
- Opposition to Right to Roam and re-assertion of property rights of farmers including opposition to all CPOs for non-essential infrastructure or tourism projects
- Flexibility in BDGP scheme
- A scheme for sheep farmers within the RD programme
- Climate change debate: farmers are being wrongly targeted on emissions and not getting the credit on sequestration.
- Payment on time for all farmers under all schemes
- Cattle and Sheep farmers should be entitled to the same support the dairy sector got for income falls
- No to compulsory EID in cattle and no to EID for lambs destined for the factory; open up tag supplies to competition
No 2:
A clear focus on producing only what there are viable markets for.
- Convinced our clean green image is our greatest asset; being seen as pro GM could ruin image of Kerrygold and grass fed beef and lamb exports
- Less focus on expansion as extra production leads to lower farm prices
- Move 5% of land away from livestock by better supports for alternative land use such as forestry and energy crops
- Opposed to supports which lead to higher production such as an EU wide coupled ewe support which will flood market with more lamb at expense of existing Irish producers
No 3:
Do everything possible to get a fair share of profits for farmers.
- Challenging 30 months cut off and low weight limits; demanding beef grid review
- Totally opposed to bad TTIP/ Mercosur deals for beef farmers
- A regulator of the food chain at EU level to blow open who makes what out of our produce
- Proper scrutiny of meat industry including permanent on-site monitoring of trim & grading
- Increased inheritance tax thresholds, full earned income tax credit (€1650) for self-employed; abolition of USC
- Review of all statutory levies and an end to non-statutory levies deducted without your permission
- Fair deal for farmers with banking problems, better access to credit
- Seeking a review of all statutory levies and an end to non-statutory levies deducted without your permission
No 4:
Put live exports top of the agenda.
- Demanding that live exports are given the same diplomatic push by Government as meat exports
Working to solve labelling blockage of live export