July 4th 2014
ICSA president Patrick Kent has responded to Minister Coveney’s call for meat processors to be more pro-active in relation to the implementation of the recommendations of the Dowling Report on the Beef Sector.
“The Minister is now getting the message that there is a crisis of confidence in the beef sector,” said Mr. Kent. “As a crucial first step to restoring confidence, meat factories must take the 380kg weight limit and the 16-month requirement off the table. They must also bring forward proposals on how many suckler bulls they have markets for, which will give an indication as to what is a viable number of sucklers going into the future.”
“Processors and retailers must realise that the 380kg weight limit is out of the question if a viable suckler herd providing top quality beef is to be maintained,” continued Mr. Kent. “We also need a change of approach from processors on pricing and quality assured bonuses.”