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Jan 5, 2016 | Press Releases | 0 comments

16th December, 2105

ICSA president Patrick Kent will today demand action on a number of key issues which are of urgent concern to beef farmers. Making his way to the Beef Forum talks in Dublin today Mr Kent said “top of ICSA’s agenda will be urging Minister Coveney to seek out new international markets for live cattle exports. It is imperative we have access to new markets for live exports to ensure increased productivity in the beef sector is viable”.

High on ICSA’s agenda will be the blockage of live exports to the UK due to the misuse of EU country of origin labelling by UK supermarkets as well as the price differential between UK and Ireland cattle. Mr Kent stated he will also be seeking answers as to the value of Bord Bia to Irish beef farmers, “what value are farmers getting from the Bord Bia levy and the Quality Assurance scheme given the price differential between UK and Irish beef is at an all time high? Farmers have lost all confidence in the value for money from the Bord Bia levy”. This was highlighted at an ICSA National Executive meeting held in Portlaoise last night, he said.

“Bord Bia inspections are also becoming more problematic for farmers”, he said. “Good farmers are getting thrown out and have no right to get back in. ICSA will be demanding that audits are completed two months in advance of the expiry of Quality Assurance certificates. This will give farmers time to address issues and ensure continued certification”. In addition he said “all stock from Quality Assurance farms should get a quality assured bonus”.

Mr Kent continued that “no progress has been made on the 30 month issue. This continues to impact beef farmers hugely, once again we will be demanding some movement on this unfair constraint. Weight limits must also be addressed. If lower weight limits are to be imposed, farmers must be paid a higher price for them”, he said.

The Beef Forum convenes at Agriculture House this afternoon.



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