22 NOVEMBER 2018
ICSA is to mount a protest at BidX1, the online property trading platform, in opposition to the continued forced sale of family farms, homes and businesses online by the auction house. The protest will take place Monday (26 November) from 12 midday at the BidX1 offices at Waterloo Exchange, Waterloo Road, Dublin 4.
ICSA rural development chairman Seamus Sherlock said, “ICSA is calling for the immediate cessation of the sale of distressed properties online for individuals and families who are willing to engage in meaningful discussions. We know that in some cases those involved don’t even know their homes and properties are being sold. These fire sales are a blunt and crude instrument and we are insisting that the practice be stopped.”
ICSA invites all farmers, homeowners and businesses who find themselves dealing with vulture funds to show their support on Monday.