The Department of Agriculture sought views from the main farming stakeholders on the potential content of a new Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme for the suckler sector. The Suckler Committee reached a consensus that the most appropriate use of funding for a Suckler TAM Scheme would be to prioritise improving farm safety and welfare through modernised animal handling facilities.
In this submission, ICSA called for funding for a suite of TAM measures that could deliver improved farm safety and animal health & welfare, namely:
- Crush equipment with optional head scoop for safer inspection and dosing of animals
- Smaller dedicated crates for calf dehorning
- Crush extensions for increased safety at rear of animal
- Mobile crush units for use in field situations
- Wired or wireless cameras for installation in calving sheds
- Calf-weighing equipment
- Badger-proof feed troughs
- Tipping water troughs
Through these measures, ICSA believes that we can advance the competitiveness of the suckler sector, whilst improving the overall health and genetic resources of the national herd.