May 26th 2015
ICSA president Patrick Kent has welcomed the key recommendation on including farm safety in discussion groups which is contained in the new farm safety report published by the Seanad today.
“ICSA recommended the inclusion of farm safety in discussion groups in its submission to the Seanad Public Consultation Committee, and we are very pleased to see that our views have been taken on board as a key recommendation,” said Mr. Kent. “ICSA had also proposed introducing farm safety as part of the primary school curriculum, and the Committee has also taken this on board. We in ICSA have always seen education as key to reducing the number of farm accidents and fatalities, and we hope that the Department of Education and Skills will quickly begin work on implementing these recommendations.
“ICSA’s insistence on increasing funding for farm equipment with a view to improving safety has also been included as a key feature of the report, and ICSA would urge the Minister to act on this without delay.”