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ICSA Welcomes Hogan’s Support for Farmers

Nov 20, 2014 | Press Releases | 0 comments

November 19th 2014

ICSA beef chairman Edmond Phelan has welcomed Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan’s comments on the importance of the survival of beef farmers and the need for more sharing of information.

“Commissioner Hogan’s recognition of the importance of the primary producer and how much farmers are suffering at the hands of factories and retailers is very welcome,” said Mr. Phelan. “His comments on the need for more sharing of information are also very significant. We need to shine a light on where the profits are going in the beef industry – someone is making money out of Irish beef, but it’s not farmers.”

“The need for a regulator for the beef industry, both in Ireland and at European level, is vital for the protection of the primary producer, and while Commissioner Hogan seems to recognise that regulatory changes are needed, we also need to see some movement on this at national level sooner rather than later.”

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