14 JUNE 2016
ICSA beef chairman Edmond Phelan and ICSA Suckler chairman Dermot Kelleher have welcomed the announcement by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine that Turkey is now open for Irish cattle imports. “Finding new markets for live cattle exports is vital, the plan should now be to export as many as possible”, said Mr Phelan.
Commenting on the need for additional markets for live exports, Mr Phelan said “We also have to get cattle moving to Egypt where there is a need for heavier stores. The weight limit for Turkey is set at 300kg; ICSA would like to see markets for heavier cattle as we need all the markets we can get to ensure competition.”
“It is also becoming increasingly apparent that the meat factories don’t have viable markets for all available cattle and with an estimated 80,000 extra cattle forecast for the autumn, prospects don’t look good. Processors need to be aggressively sourcing markets not just cutting the price and selling off prime product at a discount when cattle become plentiful. I would urge Minister Creed to redouble his efforts to secure viable live export markets as a matter of urgency”, he concluded.