25 JUNE 2019
ICSA beef chairman Edmund Graham has welcomed the recommendations in the report on “The Future of the Beef Sector in the Context of Food Wise 2025”. Mr Graham specifically welcomed Recommendation No 10 which objected to the inclusion of beef in a Mercosur deal. “It is rank hypocrisy for the EU to insist on challenging climate change targets while supporting the importation of surplus beef from South America, involving the cutting down of rain forest.”
“ICSA is calling on the Oireachtas Agriculture Committee to immediately convey a very strong message to the Taoiseach that the members of the committee will vote against any Mercosur deal that damages our beef sector. In turn the Taoiseach needs to make it clear at EU level that Ireland will reject a bad Mercosur deal.”
“ICSA welcomes the support for live exports and the need for a dedicated section in the Department to help live exports.”
“ICSA also welcomes the focus on tighter regulation of the food chain and examination of who makes what from the beef animal. However, this will need to be a collaborative effort at EU level.”
“ICSA supports the pursuit of PGI status with a specific focus on suckler beef. We have to find a way of moving suckler up the value chain. Getting one PGI status for the entire national herd including dairy sourced cattle is a lowest common denominator strategy and will do nothing to support a viable suckler sector.”