15th February, 2016
ICSA beef chairman Edmond Phelan has welcomed the announcement that Egypt has reopened its live export cattle trade with Ireland. “ICSA has long been calling for more live export markets to be secured. Now that agreement has been reached between the Irish and Egyptian veterinary authorities, we finally have another market available to Irish cattle farmers”, he said.
“Live exports are vital. As cattle numbers increase towards the latter half of the year, this will become even more evident. We have to have markets for the extra numbers. Live exports also help to keep the factories honest with a bit of competition for cattle. Farmers will of course reserve judgement until they see how well this market works in practice, but we are hopeful.”
Continuing, Mr Phelan said, “At our recent AGM, ICSA impressed upon Minister Coveney the need to secure such markets for live exports. This work will certainly need to be continued by the next Government. Farmers need more certainty that the markets for their produce will be there. Live exports will continue to have a big role to play.”