20 JANUARY 2017
ICSA Louth chairman Gavin Carberry will host a farmers meeting next Friday, 27 January. The meeting will take place in the Hunterstown Inn, Ardee, Co Louth and will commence at 7.30pm.
Guest speakers on the night will be;
Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan
CAP reform and other issues affecting agriculture
Dr Richard Hackett
Tillage, where to from here?
Seamus Sherlock – ICSA Rural Development Chairman
Farm debt
Malcolm Thompson – ICSA Donegal Chairman
All farmers are welcome to attend and ICSA Louth chairman Gavin Carberry has said “We have many important issues to discuss on the night and I look forward to meeting with as many local farmers as possible.”
For further details about the meeting, Mr Carberry can be contacted on 086 3189003.