6th August 2014
In the wake of a wave of rural crime, ICSA rural development chairman Billy Gray has advised older farmers to consider applying to their local community group for a personal alarm under the Seniors Alert Scheme.
“Subsidised monitored personal alarms are available to all those aged 65 or over who meet the criteria of the scheme and have a landline telephone,” said Mr. Gray. “Community groups have been issued with grants to cover the costs of purchasing and installing the alarms, and the recipient only has to pay the yearly monitoring fee of approximately €80.”
“These alarms provide great security for older people or older couples living alone, as the alarm is monitored twenty-four hours a day and if you have any concern for your own safety, whether it’s an intruder or an accident, all you have to do is press the button and there’s someone at the end of the line to help.”
“Most farmers would be aware of their local community group, but for anyone who isn’t, a full list of groups and contact details covering the whole country is available to download on the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government website at http://www.environ.ie/en/Community/SeniorsAlert/PublicationsDocuments/FileDownLoad,26537,en.xls. Your local GP, public representatives, Gardaí, clergy etc. would also be able to help out with contacts.”