19 AUGUST 2019
ICSA president Edmond Phelan has said a complete overhaul of the beef grid is needed ahead of the resumption of beef talk in Backweston this morning. “The grid needs to be simplified. There is no question that better bonuses can be paid for U grades as well as R+ grades without any further deductions on lower grade cattle. The grid was devised to be price neutral. However, the fact that the grid is no longer price neutral is clear for all to see,” he said.
“Factories are cleaning up on deductions on lower grade cattle because of the increasing numbers of lower grade cattle since the grid was introduced ten years ago. The dairy expansion has caused this, and the grid must reflect these changes.”
Talks will resume at 11 am this morning in Backweston and will again be chaired by former secretary general to the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Dowling.