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STAP advice from ICSA sheep committee chair

Mar 27, 2013 | Press Releases | 0 comments

27th March, 2013

Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association sheep chair, Paul Brady, is advising Leitrim farmers planning to join the Sheep Technology Adoption Programme (STAP) to check whether their own rams have €urostar ratings before buying a new ram to comply with the programme’s requirements.  

Having a three, four or five star ram is a compulsory requirement of the STAP; the cost of which is causing concern among prospective participants in the programme according to Mr Brady.  However, he says that some sheep farmers may already own animals with the relevant ratings.  

Mr Brady said, “There is some anecdotal evidence to suggest that breeders may have been recording on the Lambplus system but the buyer may not have been made aware of this at the time of purchase.  I would advise anyone who is planning to join the STAP to go back to the breeder of their existing ram or to simply use the tattoo or tag to check whether the animal has been recorded on the system and if it has a sufficient rating.  It could very well save the cost of buying in a new ram.”

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