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Teagasc Beef Finisher Seminar

Sep 9, 2014 | UPCOMING EVENTS | 0 comments

Event Notice

Teagasc Beef Finisher Seminar

Date: Monday, 15 September 2014

Venue: Cillin Hill Mart, Kilkenny | 7.30pm

Topics covered at the event will include:

What Cattle Health Issues occur on Finishing Farms?
Charles Chavasse, Zoetis

Can Finishing Feed Costs be Reduced this Winter?
Dr. Mark McGee, Teagasc Grange

What Contract Price Beef Finishers need this Winter?
Terry Carroll/Karen Dukelow, Teagasc

What Finishers need from Processors this Winter?
Henry Burns, IFA

Some Factory Personnel will be present on the evening

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