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Jul 25, 2017 | Press Releases | 0 comments

21 JULY 2017

ICSA Westmeath chairman Daniel Lynam has been elected National Treasurer of the association at a recent meeting of ICSA’s National Executive. Hailing from Castletown Geoghegan Mr Lynam farms in conjunction with his two sons David and Donal on the home farm in Castletown Geoghegan and more recently on a farm in Tyrrellspass.

The Lynams focus primarily on store to beef heifers with the herd including Charolais, Simmentals and Belgian Blues. They also have a dairying operation in Castletown Geoghegan, rear store lambs and currently have 42 acres devoted to tillage. Mr Lynam has been actively involved in ICSA for many years and recently held a hugely successful DAFM Knowledge Transfer Reseeding Demo on the farm of his son David in Tyrellspass. Mr Lynam is also active in membership development initiatives at ICSA.

Speaking following his election as National Treasurer Mr Lynam said, “ICSA is committed to courageously defending the interests of farmers, both at national and international level. As an association made up of commercial drystock farmers of all sizes from right around the country we implicitly understand the challenges facing the sector. It is a privilege to represent the farming community of Westmeath and I look forward to helping to further develop the association at a national level as treasurer.”


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