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Cattle and Sheep Prices 4 May 2023

May 4, 2023 | Livestock Prices | 0 comments

Cattle Prices

nochange Steers €5.25/kg
nochange Heifers €5.30/kg
nochange Bulls (under 16mts U&R) €5.25/kg; under 24mts €5.40/kg (U) €5.30/kg(R)
nochange Cows €5.00/kg(U) €4.90/kg(R) €4.70/kg(O)

Sheep Prices

uparrow Spring Lamb €8.10/kg up to 20.5kg
uparrow Hoggets €7.40-€7.50/kg up to 23kg nochange Ewes €3.30-€3.50

uparrow Up downarrow Down nochange No Change

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Livestock Prices
