This is the ICSA CAP Plan – and it includes the following key demands.
· €300/hd per suckler cow – including €120 variable coupled payment on first 40 cows plus €180 from BDGP/BEEP type schemes – no upper limit on numbers
· €35/hd per breeding ewe – Including €16 variable coupled payment on first 250 ewes plus €19 from Sheep Welfare type scheme – no upper limit on numbers
· €100/head beef carbon efficiency payment – €40/hd for weighing and up to €60/hd for finishing younger to maximum 150 animals
· Young Farmers – 25% top-up for young farmers under variable suckler and ewe coupled payments.
It is a plan that is technically feasible under the regulations, meets all EU objectives, and is fully costed.
ICSA outlines its proposals for CAP Strategic Plan – YouTube – Click on the link to watch