12th June 2014
ICSA Connaught/Ulster Vice-Chairman, John Flynn, has appealed to farmers to take action towards reducing farm fatalities.
“There have now been thirteen farm deaths so far in 2014, and the trend is persistently high compared to other industries,” said Mr. Flynn, following a meeting of the Farm Safety Partnership Advisory Committee. “Behavioural changes are now vital to stop this trend, and children in particular should be kept away from dangerous areas like slurry pits, grain stores and working machinery.”
“One area where immediate action can be taken is the development of a Safe System of Work Plan, examples of which are available on the Health & Safety Authority website. I would urge all farmers who have not already done so to examine this immediately.”
“According to the HSA, accidents involving farmers over the age of 55 often account for 70% of farm deaths, and while a series of information booklets and DVDs is available via the HSA website, older farmers may not be aware of or easily able to access these resources. We want to get the message across that farming safely is vital in order to save lives.”