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ICSA: Breakdown of EU Budget talks will make securing right CAP deal more difficult

Nov 23, 2012 | Press Releases | 0 comments

23rd November, 2012

The Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association has expressed disappointment at the breakdown of talks on the EU budget framework for 2014-2020.  

ICSA president Gabriel Gilmartin said, “It is disappointing that the talks have been suspended, and that they won’t recommence until the New Year.  It represents a significant setback to achieving the right CAP deal for Ireland.  It would be ideal to finalise the CAP reform during Ireland’s presidency of the EU in the first six months of 2013, but today’s events mean that will be more difficult to achieve.”

“Having said that however, it is important that the various leaders, including An Taoiseach, didn’t agree to unsuitable Budget measures just for the sake of reaching agreement.”

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