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Ireland’s Agriculture: A Key Part Of Our Economic Recovery – ICSA Budget 2013 Submission

Aug 10, 2012 | Policy Submission | 0 comments

The Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association has launched its pre-Budget submission, calling for funding to support young farmers, an immediate suspension of the carbon tax and a continuation of the vital Suckler Cow Welfare Scheme.  

The document – Ireland’s Agriculture: A Key Part of our Economic Recovery – outlines the crucial role of agri-business in the effort to reverse the downturn, and highlights a number of key points necessary for progress both nationally and within the farming sector.  In it, ICSA warns that in the absence of the ability to provide fiscal stimulus, the Government must strive to ‘do no harm’ to the industry. 

Key points include:

  • Suckler Cow Welfare Scheme must continue in its entirety and remain fully funded
  • Installation aid fund of €10 million must be established immediately for trained, young farmers
  • Carbon tax & excise duties hurting agriculture & must be reviewed
  • Vital DAS must not be cut
  • 50% stock relief must be available to all farmers
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ICSA president Sean McNamara has said he is urgently seeking clarification regarding the recent targeting of Irish livestock trucks by Irish officials at the port of Cherbourg. “ICSA has been contacted by several of the livestock hauliers affected who claim they were singled out by the Irish officials for additional inspections by the French authorities while non livestock carrying trucks were left alone. This was despite these inspections having no relevance to animal welfare,” he said.

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