22 DECEMBER 2016
ICSA rural development chairman Seamus Sherlock has said he would like to remind all those living in rural communities to keep an eye out for one another over the festive season. “We all lead busy lives and none more so than farmers but it’s important to keep our older and more vulnerable citizens in mind over the coming weeks. This will be all the more pertinent given the bad weather forecast for the weekend which may add to the difficulties for many.”
Continuing Mr Sherlock said “A quick call may be all that is needed to make a big difference in the life of someone who feels lonely or isolated at this time of year. It is important that these people are reassured and reminded they are still a much valued and respected part of their communities. Farmers are renowned for lending a helping hand to others when in need so let’s all work to keep that tradition alive.
Finally, I would like to wish all our members and all those living and farming in rural Ireland a very Happy Christmas and a safe and successful New Year.”