July 8th 2014
The applications process for the Teagasc Part-time Green Cert and Teagasc Distance Education Green Cert will shortly close. The closing date for the Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management is also imminent.
Applications for the Teagasc Distance Education Green Cert close this coming Friday, 11th July. This programme is intended for those who already hold a non-agricultural major award at Level 6 or higher. Application forms for the Distance Education programme can be downloaded from www.teagasc.ie/ecollege. Completed forms must be posted to: Teagasc Distance Education Green Cert, PO Box 10, Carrick-on-Suir, Co. Tipperary to be received by Friday, 11th July. Please note applications cannot be accepted at Teagasc offices or colleges.
Those interested in the Teagasc Part-time Green Cert programme should register their interest with local Teagasc education centres by Friday 11th July. Teagasc will forward application forms to those who have expressed interest. Part-time Green Cert courses are intended for adult farmers who already hold a qualification (at Level 6 or higher).
Teagasc Green Cert programmes meet the education requirements applying to the new Young Farmer Scheme which will commence in 2015. Under this scheme farmers of up to 40 years of age may be eligible for significant financial supports subject to meeting the scheme requirements and depending on the amount of land farmed. Only those who apply for, and are accepted for, the Young Farmer Scheme in 2015 can be certain of payment for the full five years of the scheme. While Teagasc cannot confirm if they will have sufficient staff resources to meet demand for their Green Cert courses, they are advising those who intend to apply for the Young Farmer Scheme in 2015 to make their Green Cert course application now.
The application date for the Teagasc Professional Diploma in Dairy Farm Management also closes on Friday 11th July. This programme provides future dairy farmers and dairy farm managers with a very valuable opportunity to develop their dairy farm management expertise for a post quota environment. Application forms are available at www.teagasc.ie/training. Further information from the programme co-ordinator, Marion Beecher (marion.beecher@teagasc.ie or 025 42457)